I am proud to announce my partnership with Tutum Health - the key infrastructure partner of the NHS Deep Cleaning and Advisory Service.
They are delivering a service to support dentists with the NHS standards - National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021.
For a small monthly cost, they will deliver all your compliance needs to meet these standards as well as some attractive products and benefits.
Tutum Health have put together 3 fantastic options to suit your practice requirements, If you quote DECONPETE you'll enjoy an additional 10% disount. CLICK HERE to view the plans
If you still plan to implement the NSC 2021 and want to use the adapted templates, Technical Audit Logbook and other resource then please get in touch to discuss further.
Important Update 20/10/2022
We have just recieved the following message from the NHS estates and facilities team;
"I can confirm that the standards in relation to Primary Care dental are best practice currently and not mandatory other than in secondary dental. We will be releasing further guidance and running pilots early next year and will work through compliance timescales with the BDA."
Therefore the deadline appears to have been removed and this is now no longer mandatory. However, this is not to say that it won't be happening and that it is still best practice. As a IPC practioner and educator all of our advice is based on best practice to ensure you are working to the highest standards.
The OCDO has issued an official bulletin outlining the implementation and expected requirements for primary care dental. This can be read HERE:
If you have already started to implemet the Standards then you can continue to use this as it can be useful at benchmarking quality and consistency within the practice. If you havent started then you can start and implement, if you want, all you could hold fire until further information comes out regarding timescales.
The National Standards of Cleanliness 2021
The National Standards of Cleanliness was published in April 2021 and has been brought in to standardise the approach to cleanliness and safety across all NHS sites in England. The Standard has 5 mandatory elements which now has no implementation date. The NHS will be working with the BDA to work out timescales for compliance
The 5 elements are:
1: Cleaning Specification
2: Commitment to Cleanliness Charter
3: Technical Audit
4: External Assurance Audit
5: Annual Efficacy Audit
I have tried to amend the templates to reflect Dentistry although there will be some adjustments required to suit your individual practice requirements.
This is only mandatory for NHS dental practices within England

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National Standards for Cleanliness 2021
National Standards for Cleanliness 2021 Appendix
National Standards of Cleanliness 2021: Supporting Templates
National Standards of Cleanliness 2021: Health & Safety
National Standards of Cleanliness 2021: Pest Control
To save you some time I have adapted the supporting templates to make them Dental Specific and have also put together a 50 minute CPD video outlining exactly what is required with the National Standards of Cleanliness. You will also find 5 Module presentations which outline how to complete each of the 5 standards. These can be purchased individually or as a bundle. Get in touch if you would like to find out more and purchase the pack.
Templates Preview

NHS SOP's November 2021
Northern Ireland HTM 01-05 2013 Edition
SDCEP Cleaning of Dental Instruments 2014 Edition
Welsh HTM 01-05 2014 Edition
SDCEP Sterilization of Dental Instruments 2011 Edition
HTM 01-05 2013 Edition
SDCEP Decontamination into Practice 2014 Edition
Irish Dental Council Code of Practice 2013
COVID-19 Infection prevention and control guidance complete
Guidance and standard operating procedures general practice covid-19 version 3.3
FGDP Implications of COVID for the safe management of general dental practices October 2020
SDCEP - mitigation of AGP's in Dentistry - rapid review Sept 2020
SDCEP Managing Decontamination in Dental Practices 2014 Edition
PPE Certificate checklist
Testing Documents
COVID 19 Legionella guidance
Dental transition to recovery SOP.2020